Begriff | Definition |
e.V. |
eingetragener Verein [registered club/association having legal personality
(= is a legal entity), often but not necessarily nonprofit] |
EC | Treaty Establishing the European Community |
The European Convention on Human Rights
European Court of Justice (Europäischer Gerchtishof = EuGH)
EDPD | Europäischer Datenschutzausschuss (
Zugriffe - 680 Synonyme -
EFZG | Gesetz über die Zahlung des Arbeitsentgelts an Feiertagen und im Krankheitsfall, Entgeltfortzahlungsgesetz (Act on Payment of Employment Remuneration on Holidays and on Sick Leave) |
EGBGB | Einführungsgesetz zum BGB (Introductory Act to Civil Code [containing rules on intertemporary and international conflicts of law: Intertemporary conflict of law answers the question which law is applicable after an act has been changed for situations not yet finished. International conflict of law answers the question which country's law is applicable when a situation touches more than one legal order. An example: A foreigner drafts a will in Germany. Which country's law is applicable to determine the validity of the will. |
EnWG |
Energiewirtschaftsgesetz (Energy Commerce Act), Purpose of the Act is the safe, low-priced, consumer-friendly, efficient and environmentally compatible supply of the public with electricity and natural gas as much as possible. The adjustment of the electricity and gas supply nets serves the goals of the securing an effective and genuine competition among the suppliers on on a long-term basis.
ErbStG |
Erbschafts- und Schenkungssteuergesetz (Estate and Gift Tax Act)
EStDV | Einkommenssteuerdurchführungsverordnung (Ordinance to Implement Income Tax Act) |
EStG | Einkommensteuergesetz (Income Tax Act)
Zugriffe - 1014
EuRAG | Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland |
EVO | Eisenbahn-Verkehrsordnung (Railroad Travel Ordinance) |