Begriff | Definition |
VAT | value added tax (MwSt = Mehrwertsteuer or USt = Umsatzsteuer; |
VC | Visa Code (Directive no. 810/2009) |
VG |
Verwaltungsgericht (administrative court)
VGB 88 |
Allgemeine Wohngebäude-Versicherungsbedingungen: standard insurance terms for private houses. These are quasi statutory insurance terms which every insurance company uses for "everyday" insurances. "88" stands for the year 1988, when they were last modified.
VIS | Visa Information System
Zugriffe - 743
VVG | Versicherungsvertragsgesetz (Insurance Contract Act) |
VwGO |
Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung (Administrative Court Proceedings Act)
VwKG |
Verwaltungskostengesetz (Act on Adminstrative Fees)
VwVfG |
Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz (Act on Administrative Proceedings, if not followed by an abbreviation of a certain state VwVFG will refer to the federal law)