Begriff | Definition |
i.c.w. | 'in conjungtion with' or 'in Verbindung mit (abbr. i.V.m.)' This is a typical abbreviation in German legalese. |
IBAN | International Bank Account Number (Internationale Bankkontennummer) |
ICT | intracompany transfer
Zugriffe - 722
in conjunction with
hints that certain provisions of a statute need to be seen in the light of another provision (not nescessarily from the same statute) |
II. BV |
II. Berechnungsverordnung (Computation Ordinance) regulates the economic efficency calculation of production costs for dwelling. The range of application of this ordinanc is by statute only in subsidized housing construction. In practice, it is however typically stipulated in most template contracts.
ImSchG |
Immissionsschutzgesetz [federal state] (Act on on Immission Protection)
input tax | (Vorsteuer) Such VAT that another business adds to its invoice. This is an advance to your own VAT bill at the end of the year. |
InsO |
Insovlenzordnung (Act on Insolvency)
IntKfzVO |
Verordnung über den internationalen Kraftfahrzeugverkehr (Oridinance on International Automobile Traffic)
IRG | Gesetz über die internationale Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen (Act on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters) |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service (das amerikanische Finanzamt auf Bundesebene)
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